I hadn’t dreamed that my journey would take me to translating and making a DVD with Debowska Productions in Rennes-les-Bains. But that’s exactly what happened. I translated a dvd with Nadine Penna on the awakening of the eternal feminine which was a powerful experience in itself. Spending all that time with the words and concepts integrated it all inside of myself and I could feel Mary Magdalene’s calling for women (and men too) to awaken. Then, a project to create a film in English about the region and my experiences walking in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene and the Cathars called “In the Footsteps of Mary Magdalene in Cathar Country”. A third film evolved which was Nadine introducing my film, channeling Mary Magdalene, and dubbing my words in French for French audiences. These lovely works are available at www.debowska.fr The site is in French, but you can click on the British flag to access English and films titles in English (films en anglais). I would love to share these beautiful works with you which introduce you to the region and to Mary Magdalene’s call. See the trailer at their website or on my Facebook page. “In the Footsteps of Mary Magdalene in Cathar Country”.
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